
Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics

21-27 July 2024, Prague, Czech Republic

20th anniversary of the first (FQMT'04) conference, 10th FQMT conference.

Social Events, Concerts

(subject to change)

An encompassing social program includes a number of social events and tours enabling participants to enjoy not only physics but also Prague during the conference, in a way hardly available to common visitors of Prague. Hence for accompanying persons, this is an opportunity of rare quality to visit to this city.

Participants of FQMT'24 conference will have an exceptional opportunity to spend some time in the Wallenstein Palace. Participants and their partners will enjoy the large baroque Garden of the Wallenstein Palace with its nice Sala Terrena for discussions during the evening welcome party.

In keeping with the multidisciplinary character of the scientific program, the cultural richness of the city of Prague and the tradition of the previous FQMT conferences, the FQMT’24 program will feature concerts performed by world-class musicians, held at outstanding venues of the city. The list of these places includes the Gothic Cathedral of St. Vitus at Prague Castle (one of the symbols of the Czech Lands), and the Baroque Strahov Monastery (with its famous library and exceptional view of Prague). Additional information on social events and concerts are/will be available under the following items: