
Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics

21-27 July 2024, Prague, Czech Republic

20th anniversary of the first (FQMT'04) conference, 10th FQMT conference.


To sign-in, please, type below your E-mail and Password.

If you have registered for any of the previous FQMT conferences, please use (if possible) the same e-mail as before also for FQMT'24; in such a case your previous data will be pre-filled.

If you enter the FQMT registration for the first time, please, choose your FQMT password for your next access to our database and click 'Sign in' button.

The e-mail is used both for your access to the FQMT24 database and for communication of the organizers with you. It can be altered in the subsequent registration form.

Registration e-mail:

If you lost your FQMT24 password, please, follow lost password request form.

If you need to change your password, please, follow change password request.

If you need to change your email, please, follow change email request.

To cancel your registration, presentation, contribution or to solve any problem, contact us at fqmt@fzu.cz