
Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics

21-27 July 2024, Prague, Czech Republic

20th anniversary of the first (FQMT'04) conference, 10th FQMT conference.

Local information


The citizens of the USA and the European Union do not need an entry visa for the Czech Republic. Visitors from other countries, when unsure, should contact their Czech consulate to inquire about the required visa practice.
Please note a somewhat changed situation after the Czech Republic has joined the Schengen (more details).


Currency in the Czech Republic is Koruna (CZK), smaller unit is Halir (not used in cash, 1 Koruna = 100 Halir).
The exchange rates are about 23 CZK per US dollar and 24,70 CZK per Euro (June 2024).

Up-to-date exchange rates of the Czech National Bank are given here.

Major payment cards are accepted in most places.

Public transport

Prague public transport consists of three underground (i.e. subway, tube, metro) lines A, B, and C connecting city center with edge parts and numerous tram and bus lines. You can also enjoy funicular railway to the Petřín Hill.

More information on routes, tickets, fares, time tables, etc you can find on the web site of Prague Public Transit Co. Inc. (Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy)

Arrival to Prague

By train: you can get out either at the Main Station ("Hlavní nádraží") or at the station "Nádraží Holešovice".

To get to the center of Prague from train stations: The best choice is to use underground. Both stations are on line C of Prague underground.

By plane: you land at the Prague Ruzyne International Airport (Vaclav Havel Airport Prague).

To get to the center of Prague from the Airport you can take either:

Emergency phone numbers

Free calls:
Police : 158
Ambulance: 155
Fire Department: 150
Unified Emergency call: 112

Other Prague emergency and important numbers you will find here.


The weather in Prague has continental character. In the middle of July the maximum day temperatures reach usually 25 to 30 Centigrade and fall down to 15-20 Centigrade during night.

Actual information on weather in Prague you can find here.

General information on Prague

Many important practical information you can find at Prague Official Tourist Portal.

Description on Prague attractions and monuments is available here.

Culture events in Prague are listed here.

Panaroma views of Prague: Virtual Prague.

Interactive map of Prague: Google maps.

Interesting maps and other geografic information on Prague: Geoportal Praha.

General information on Czech Republic

Official pages of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

Tourist destinations, activities and events in the Czech Republic: www.visitczechia.com.

Interactive map of the Czech Republic: Google maps.