
Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics

18-24 July 2021, Prague, Czech Republic

Social Events, Concerts

(subject to change)

In keeping with the multidisciplinary character of the scientific program, the cultural richness of the city of Prague and the tradition of the previous FQMT conferences, the FQMT’21 program will feature two concerts performed by world-class musicians. of Prague and the tradition of the previous FQMT conferences, the FQMT’21 program will feature two concerts performed by world-class musicians. While the first concert will take place in a private studio the other one will be held at the outstanding venue of the city, the Gothic Cathedral of St. Vitus at Prague Castle (one of the symbols of the Czech Lands). Both concerts will be transmitted on the internet.

Tuesday July 20, Václav Trojan's studio - detailed program
Concert of classical music and jazz-inspired music
internet link: www.twitch.tv/fqmt

Thursday July 22, Saint Vitus Cathedral - detailed program
Concert of classical music
internet link: embed.livebox.cz/katedrala/